Empath Psychiatry

Psychiatric Medication Management

Woman taking tablet with glass of fresh water.

Monitoring medications, their side effects, and their possible interactions with other medications is critical. It is important to make sure to see a psychiatric specialist to help make sure you are utilizing your medications safely and effectively. Multi-modal psychiatric medication management, along with various therapy modalities, if appropriate, is the best way to achieve long-term control. 

Getting to know your medication is key to helping you feel comfortable and at ease while on our treatment plan. Your medication management sessions will often be paired with regular psychiatric check-ups and education to help ensure that your mental well-being is in check.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Am I a candidate for psychiatric medication management?

You may be a candidate for medication management if you gave a condition that doesn’t respond to over-the-counter medications, or if you have been prescribed medications that are still inadequately controlling your mood disorder. To determine if you are an ideal candidate for medication management, schedule a consultation with us at (973) 554-9960.

What can I expect when receiving medication management at Empath Psychiatry?

Many psychiatric disorders will require a two-pronged approach for successful treatment: medication combined with therapy. We can prescribe medication to help with several mood disorders, ranging from ADHD to anxiety to depression. Medication management is a vital part of this equation, as not all medications will be received or tolerated by patients in the same way.

Your first visit to our virtual clinic

If it is your first time using our psychiatric medication management, don’t worry, you are in good hands! Your first session will include an initial checkup or assessment, which will include an overview of your symptoms and collection of your medical history. A determination will then be made about whether or not the medication is a viable option for treating your particular mood disorder.

Based on our findings, we will develop a personalized treatment plan to help you get back on track.

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